During the investigation of the Australian Royal Commission, 1,006 cases were presented. ARC received actual files from the WT.
Irwin Zalkin received files from WT, all redacted, no names, no places.
jehovah's witnesses watchtower society houses hidden sexual abuse records, says journalist.
During the investigation of the Australian Royal Commission, 1,006 cases were presented. ARC received actual files from the WT.
Irwin Zalkin received files from WT, all redacted, no names, no places.
the city in which i work is flooded with those witnessing carts.
today im going to approach one of them and pretend i dont know what they believe.
gonna try and record it if i can.
I actually asked them if they expect people to simply say yes to every thing and accept whatever they say. I pointed out that they are asking people to change their entire lives and so it makes sense that people would question everything they say, until it's proven right."
Good point redVip!
They are asking people to change their entire lives w/o question...
dec 29, 2016. a years-long investigation into allegations of child sex abuse in the jehovah's witness organization has also uncovered a culture of secrecy at its watchtower headquarters in brooklyn.. last summer, donald trump's son-in-law, developer jared kushner, bought the property.
the jehovah's witnesses, meanwhile, have been building a massive compound upstate in warwick, new york, where they plan to relocate.
trey bundy, a reporter for reveal, from the center for investigative reporting, has been investigating the watchtower for two years.
Absolutely Vid!
Will people call you a liar? yes...
Embarrass you? yes....
Shun you or DF you if you talk about it or "go ahead of the organization"
jehovah's witnesses watchtower society houses hidden sexual abuse records, says journalist.
"If Bundy's claims are accurate, the WBTS and Jehovah's Witnesses who run it, seem to be using the First Amendment defense to allow it to run it's own internal court system when it comes to child sex abuse."
Sounds like the same conclusion that the Australian Royal Commission came to....
i have two honest questions for everyone here.
i understand that most here want retribution from the courts against watchtower for child abuse allegations.
but let us take away the instances where someone was accused of child abuse and then later put back into a position of authority, such as an elder or an ms. let us just take the cases where a regular publisher or even an appointed person, with no previous accusation of child abuse has come up against that person.
What would the Borg say?
According to one ex-elder I know, they would say:
"to protect the sheep from bad men slipping into the organization."
dec 29, 2016. a years-long investigation into allegations of child sex abuse in the jehovah's witness organization has also uncovered a culture of secrecy at its watchtower headquarters in brooklyn.. last summer, donald trump's son-in-law, developer jared kushner, bought the property.
the jehovah's witnesses, meanwhile, have been building a massive compound upstate in warwick, new york, where they plan to relocate.
trey bundy, a reporter for reveal, from the center for investigative reporting, has been investigating the watchtower for two years.
I am grateful to Trey & his investigative work, and to all here who keep him in 'the news.' (thx, defender of truth!)
I know that we here may have heard this info before, but many haven't. I was on FaceBook, and a friend (ex-JW) I.M.d me, very excited, she had just seen the Canadian News show @ child abuse. After all these years, she had never been exposed to the extent of the child abuse in the org, and had never even heard of Trey Bundy & Reveal News!!
Think of how many people join this forum each day!
i have two honest questions for everyone here.
i understand that most here want retribution from the courts against watchtower for child abuse allegations.
but let us take away the instances where someone was accused of child abuse and then later put back into a position of authority, such as an elder or an ms. let us just take the cases where a regular publisher or even an appointed person, with no previous accusation of child abuse has come up against that person.
As an example in the Conti case. Irwin Zalkin asked Kendrick's former wife and former step-daughter if she thought it was a privileged communication.
Irwin Zalkin was not Candace Conti's lawyer, it was Rick Simons.
i have two honest questions for everyone here.
i understand that most here want retribution from the courts against watchtower for child abuse allegations.
but let us take away the instances where someone was accused of child abuse and then later put back into a position of authority, such as an elder or an ms. let us just take the cases where a regular publisher or even an appointed person, with no previous accusation of child abuse has come up against that person.
"Let us just take the cases where a regular publisher or even an appointed person, with no previous accusation of child abuse has come up against that person. Why do you feel that Watchtower is responsible for that person's actions against the child?"
Who said that anyone DID say that the WT is responsible for that lewd man's behavior in the first place, as no one can control another person's behavior. (Tho when people see opportunities to act without consequence, you might say the WT is responsible for setting up a condition that makes it easier for the crime to be committed)
However, for all the documented cases where these victims suffer through years of mental torture, the WT bears responsibility for the harm that comes to those victims after the pedophile has acted.
Because the WT tells elders not to report these to the police, children suffer.
It tells elders to call the legal department.
The GB act like gods, they are the "Guardians of Doctrine" (G.O.D.) and tell everyone how to think, how to act, and let congregation sheep know, in no uncertain terms, what will happen to them if they do not "listen, learn and obey."
Because , the GB have found out that they have a "goring bull" in the yard, and they themselves have written, and are aware of their responsibility.
*** w91 2/15 p. 12 par. 8 A Corresponding Ransom for All ***
"To illustrate: Exodus 21:28-32 speaks of a bull that gores a person to death. If the owner knew of the bull’s disposition but did not take proper precautions, he could be made to cover, or pay, for the life of the slain one with his own! Yet, what if the owner was only partially responsible? He would need a ko′pher, something to cover his error. Appointed judges could impose upon him a ransom, or fine, as a redemption price."
The WT does know about the "goring bull" when they are first called.
They do not protect people from a second attack.
It keeps records "of their goring bulls."
It lets these "goring bulls" keep goring, not only the "sheep" in the congregation, but people outside of the walls of the Kingdom Halls.
The WT punishes people for talking or warning about the "goring bulls."
It takes their life, their family, their friends.
The WT does not live by the standards that it's own writing department writes of, but expects everyone else to live by the letter of the law.
i recently spoke to an old friend of mine who is still under the clutches of the watchtower.
a while back, i had told him about all the child sex abuse coverups, false prophecies, false doctrines etc.
he was really shocked and surprised.
I watched two You Tube vids this week. Both guys were baptized young, pioneered, went to Bethel. Both woke up and left in these last few years.
One (his name is V for fifth) had a few friends that left the Borg, they didn't even say THAT much to him (not like the WT wants you to believe) but he really liked them, looked up to them. Afters years, and things here & there....He had a conscience moment, during a WT study... He left... Those things people said, those events stuck with him, in the back of his brain...
The one who left before him, was actually one of his brothers in Bethel! That he looked up to. Things didn't add up for "Apollos" either.. He visited this website, where Blondies use of WT quotes, and scriptures helped him.. and then he found JWfacts, with all the WT quotes, and "the light got brighter"..
Both took a few years for the facts to sink in, and leave. Now? Gone for good!
I say thx to Simon, Blondie, and all contributors here, you have made a difference!
i guess tax payers get to subsidize the conventions, who knew!.
no wonder they really push people to book through the congregation rather than privately, directly - it's all about the rebates!.
As we were exiting the borg, I noticed that in the SF Bay Area... at the Cow Palace, hotels use to be fairly close to the convention.
The last time I was still in, my friend had to go to a hotel in Fremont! It seems as that would be at least an hours drive, and the cost? huh! not that cheap!
I asked, "What!!?? They can't make you do that! That's crazy!"
Her reply? "There must be a reason the brothers want us there."